
August 2024 Update – The Southern Migration Begins

The southern migration has begun!

It’s been an exciting few months here at Whale Watching Sydney with the annual migration along the Humpback Highway. We have witnessed some truly incredible displays of power and beauty from our blubbery friends on their trip North. Over the past two weeks we have started to see the first of the whales returning for the long trip south. The whales that are heading south so far have been a majority of sub-adults.

The young whales that are old enough to travel by themselves, but not at an age yet where they can participate in breeding. We think of them as rowdy and curious teenagers, old enough that parents can let them go out and have a good time, but maybe not old enough to be dating!

The good news for us with these whales, is they have been active and playful. They have shown some amazing behaviours, including two young whales that sat near the surface, Tail Slapping for over ten minutes next to each other. One of the whales was upside down and one was the right way up, with the slaps being almost synchronized. They finished the show with some huge breaches and head lunges.

Another included watching two large competition pods steaming North in close proximity. It’s like watching a group of freight trains plowing through the water, with one of the pods circling the boat and trumpeting with steamy breath, before diving away at top speed. These moments are what makes whale watching so incredible and exciting.

We have an interesting cross over period now for a few weeks while the last of the Northbound whales will be passing, as the first of the Southern migration also make their way. Now that the Southern Migration is beginning, we are looking forward to seeing more wondrous whale behavior, and hopefully some more endearing and wholesome displays from this years newborn calves. Female Humpback are some of the most inspiring mothers in the world and we are very excited to see them heading south soon!

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