


First whales of 2020

No one could have predicted that the start to our 2020 whale watching season would be a very different one...
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False Killer Whales!

A great find this morning: a pod of about 50-100 False Killer Whales. They are quite a rare sight around...
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Feeding Frenzy

Awesome feeding frenzy this afternoon with two humpback whales, a brydes whale, hundreds of common dolphins, hundreds of sea birds...
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Our 2nd Migaloo Sighting

And we got lucky again! Our 2nd Migaloo sighting since we saw him last in 2014. This time we were...
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Underwater Photography

I wanted to challenge myself this year and tried to come up with a new take on whale photography. Im...
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Chasing Double Breaches

I do have a love / hate relationship with double breaches! On one hand they are just about the most...
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Migaloo, Whale Watching

Migaloo the White Whale

What can i say? A once in a life time opportunity today seeing Migaloo the white whale swim past the...
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